How to be in your zone

Do You Work, Live, Play From Your Strengths Zone?

Source: Online Photobank

Playing to our strengths is arguably the best path to living in happiness zone. To live our best live, we need only to play to our strengths.

It is said that, “using our strengths is the smallest thing we can do towards making contributions in the society.” Surprisingly many of us do not know our strengths, and have settled on improving our weakness—which by the way is pointless because we cannot change ourselves. Do you know yours, and are you operating from your strengths zone?

Why Strengths Zone?

Because knowing what they are positions us to be like a fish in water or a bird in flight—and thus we are able to leverage our strengths to create a life that we love. Living authentically much like a fish in water or a bird in flight does. We too are meant to live in zone where we are effortless productive and live in sheer satisfaction. In fact, the more one operate from their strengths zone the more they get more out of their work, career and life. What I call working from your flow. Isn’t that what we are all after?

In addition, when we operate from our strengths zone, we often end up sharing and giving ourselves into doing what we do best and most joyously. Consequently, this results to more contribution and service to our families, communities and the world at large. What Dan Pink argues is your path to being a Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Benefits of living, working and playing from strengths zone

  • Liveliness
  •  In flow
  • Creative
  • Live your true essence
  • Opportunities find you
  • Experience fulfillment
  • Learn, retain and increase in knowledge quickly
  • Can perservere under pressure for a protracted period of time

Since finding my strengths zone, I have aligned the truest expression of my abilities (passion) with my strengths (natural proclivities) and skills to add value into other’s lives; especially those who find themselves burned out, frustrated or stagnated in their career—and I love it!

How about you? Do you know your strengths zone or would you like to know? Or better yet, if you know, would you like to M.A.P (My Action Plan) out your unique strategies to living the live you love and deserve? If so, reach out I would love to serve you. Otherwise, feel free to share your inspiration at the comments below.