The Power of Meaning

As it turns out we human beings are creatures of meaning. We assign meaning to everything and anything. Why when we find ourselves in a place of precariousness in our life, career or business, we get stuck if we cannot seem to unravel the meaning or what’s happening. According to Nietzsche, “He who has a […]

Clarity is Golden


“Good is the enemy of great.” –Jim Collins The chasm between good and great is a marginal one. Only you can decipher what that is for you relative to who you are now and who you want to become. After all, it’s your life and only you know deep down why the gulf exists or […]

Vulnerability: Your Superpower?

“You cannot get to courage without walking through vulnerability.” Brené Brown Why is vulnerability so heard? Well because we don’t like to fail or experience pain. We often regard failure as an unexpected outcome contrary to what we expected. Clearly, failure causes or leads us to experience pain or simply put, when we fail, we […]

The Art of Self-Awareness

Creating a unifying vision is critical to furthering any initiative or championing any cause. Your ability to rally others around a common goal depends largely on whether your vision is simple, audacious, compelling and inspirational enough. Most leaders are thought to be visionaries because they seem to have the uncanny ability to unite others behind […]

Coaching, What Is It?

Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize performance. Its more about helping people to learn than to teaching them.” –John Whitemore, In California Performance. Coaching is a process that seeks to help you improve your performance, and focus on the “here and now” rather than focus on the unknowable future—and in so doing move […]

Perseverance: The Bridge From Promise To Purpose To Profit

Where there is a Promise there is Purpose. Simply put, promise underscores purpose. Otherwise, what is the point of making a promise if your intentions are unknown, right? Your perseverance in good, the bad, the ugly and the in betweens seasons of your life, career and business points to how well you qualify to receive […]

Vision is found in design
Purpose is found in vision
Fulfillment is found in purpose