The modern workforce is one of collaboration

How To Unlock Your Superpower For Your Next Career Move

1. Do you have over 15+ years of experience in your line of work? 2. Are you at the fork of the road when it comes to your next career move? 3. Are you dissatisfied with your career and want to transition to do more meaningful work? 4. Would you like to know how to leverage […]

The Power of Rituals

Imposter syndrome: how do you overcome this phenomenon? “If you do the work, you don’t have to feel like an imposter.” —Melody Hobson, Co-CEO, Ariel Investments Rituals, we all have them knowingly or unknowingly. These are activities we do either to anchor ourselves in times of crisis, to quell anxiety or give us a sense […]

Are You Bored? Here Is Why

What do you do when you find yourself bored in a career or a relationship that you once enjoyed?  Before you think this cannot happen to me, let’s agree that life is a series of cycles or seasons. Some seasons are obviously more preferred than others, thus alluding to some level of control in that […]

How to be resilient as a leader

Risk Taking Is Reward Living

Photo by Kamil Pietrzak on UnsplashEveryday we are faced with choices and demands that require deciding on one approach over the other. Dealing with unknown outcomes is uncomfortable for most humans, yet it’s a reality of life. Whether facing your next career move, college choice, migrating from one country to another, getting hitched or exploring […]

How culture impacts us

What’s Your CQ, and Why It Matters?

Have you ever wondered why some people are better than others when it comes to connecting with people of different cultures regardless of their age, race, religion, social economics, education, gender, gender identity and nationality? Such people are said to have higher levels of cultural intelligence (CQ) than others. Globalisation is no longer a phenomenon […]

Wishing you a merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Christmas is only a few days away. This holiday evokes vast memories in all of us. For me, Christmas represents a joyous time when I intentionally go down the memory lane savoring the wonderful experiences while gleaning lessons from the not so wonderful times since last Christmas.. It’s in this spirit of thought, joy and wonder that inspires […]

The art of work life balance

Got Happiness? Flow is the Secret

It turns out that once you’re above the poverty line, it does not matter how much your income level increases, your degree of happiness remain unaffected. So, how can one ensure happiness regardless of income increase? According to Mihaly Csilkszentmihalyi, dubbed the father of Flow, “Flow is a state of mind.” explained in his TedTalk In […]

Vision is found in design
Purpose is found in vision
Fulfillment is found in purpose